Yesterday was Martin Luther King Day. Most kids had no school—a wasted opportunity to devote an entire day’s lesson on Dr. King’s life, work, and impact on the pursuit of social justice in America.
Martin Luther King, Jr. had a profound impact on civil rights and social justice, an impact that shaped the perspectives of multiple individuals across various fields of endeavor. For example, many authors have dedicated their work to advocating for social justice and exploring relevant issues.
My writing has been influenced by Dr. King’s quest for equality and justice, especially for under-represented minorities or marginalized communities. My novels Betrayal of Justice, Betrayal in Black, Betrayal at the Border, and my latest novel, The Anti-Semite Next Door, are examples of novels that trace their roots to Dr. King’s advocacy and passion. In order, they involve issues of anti-Muslim, anti-Black, anti-immigrant, and anti-Jewish bias and hatred.
America has come a long way on these issues. However, hate crimes, racial bias, anti-Semitic protests, shootings, and other incidents still impact 21st Century life, almost 60 years after Dr. King’s death. Police brutality, voting rights issues, socioeconomic disparity, bigotry, and injustice are still serious issues in this country.
I often quote Dr. King and other social justice warriors in my work. Their words inspire me to continue to write and seek change in times of troubling political and economic strife. These are complex issues—Dr. King’s principles, activism, and speeches provide a rich source of inspiration for those who seek to address the issues of injustice and inequality in their writing.
Penning novels about these and other social justice issues has been rewarding and enjoyable. I encourage people, especially young people, to consider your current path on justice issues. Are you on the right path? Does any issue inspire you to get involved? Write an article or blog? Film a documentary? Write a fictional or non-fictional account?
As Dr. King might say, if you can dream it, you can do it. On this MLK holiday, dare to live your dream and become an active participant in reshaping America and the world. Together, we can make this a better place for all our people. Let’s get to work!
Please check out Mark Bello’s ripped-from-the-headlines legal thrillers, all available online at Amazon and other major online booksellers. He has quite the hero in Attorney Zachary Blake, who fights for justice on all fronts. His books are Betrayal of Faith, Betrayal of Justice, Betrayal in Blue, Betrayal in Black, Betrayal High, Supreme Betrayal, Betrayal at the Border, You Have the Right to Remain Silent, The Final Steps – A Harbor Springs Cozy Legal Mystery, and his latest, The Anti-Semite Next Door. Also, he’s written a wonderful children’s book about bullying, “Happy Jack, Sad Jack.” For more info, just check