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Republicans Looking for a Showdown

Three officers on one suspect, not armed and obviously non-compliant. Verbal commands ignored followed by taser shots as well as a grapple with the officers. How did it get too seven shots in the back? That is something the coward does in the old west after losing a big pot at the poker table.

USA Today has released a general time line of events taken from the police dispatchers radio, and video. A girlfriend called to say that Jacob Blake was “not supposed to be there”. Police went to his address for what sounds like a domestic dispute. Blake claimed he was there trying to break up a dispute between two girls, but what escalated in three minutes to seven shots in the back?

Whatever reason the police were called and whether or not warrants were active, with two taser shots and a scuffle, why couldn’t three officers take down and handcuff one man? Pulling a shirt while firing seven times is not textbook.

Hopefully there will be a thorough investigation and justice is served for both Jacob Blake and law enforcement, but something needs to change. While good cops continue to shake their heads in disbelief, bad cops quietly cheer this latest tragedy.

The biggest silence has come from police and the unions. How much more can the good cop take?

The worst report came from the Business Insider with officers thanking the “militia” who arrived when protests started. Is this the law and order Republicans talk about? Are cops becoming desperados because of that rhetoric?

Major league sports teams boycotted games to bring attention to the situation.

Mike Pence showed support for police during the RNC convention, which is not a bad thing, but in light of this blatant case of lawlessness in Wisconsin, and with George Floyd’s death still on our minds, you'd think Republicans could at least try to pull solutions together instead of separating America.

It appears that Republicans have gone back to the old west; the question is how many deputies and rogue marshals will they recruit? Reports surfaced on threads on Reddit and Facebook of a call for vigilantes to go to Kenosha Wis.

CBS news reported that the 17 year-old shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, had no connection to any militia group, but was pro-police. Is this what Trump, the law and order buffoon, really wants?

Trump and Pence are gambling with the second amendment being their ace in the hole for re-election. They are pitting suburbs against urban America, Black vs White, cops vs community.

Both Democrats and Republicans have put forth police reform bills, the police have welcomed reform, Americans overwhelmingly support reforms. Yet this administration cannot bring together change, especially with a “deal maker” charge.

We are heading for an OK Corral, it won’t be long before vigilantes start showing up at gatherings, shots will ring out in between peaceful people, and agitators will start chaos. Hopefully, we can elect a new sheriff on November 3rd and restore law and order the right way.

November 3.

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