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The GOP's Trump Loyalty Dilemma

Updated: Aug 6

Felony convictions don't matter to the GOP

The GOP's Trump Loyalty Dilemma

Why Hasn't the GOP Stood Up to Trump?

Despite Donald Trump's many legal and moral abuses, most Republican party leaders continue to support him. Now, why is that? How can we explain Republican complicity?

What's happened to the GOP where unquestioning Trump loyalty is now more important than traditional conservative values?

Podcast guest Kristen Monroe
Kristen Monroe

These questions were addressed in a new episode of the Lean to the Left podcast featuring Bob Gatty and author Kristen Monroe, who provides a deep analysis of today's GOP mindset through her book Politics, Principle, and Standing Up to Donald Trump, Moral Courage in the Republican Party.

Monroe's book, co-authored with 13 students and published by Ethics International Press Limited in the UK, includes insightful interviews from prominent Trump critics like Anthony Scaramucci and Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson.

Monroe, a professor at the University of California at Irvine, delves into the issues of courage, politics, and the Trump phenomenon. Her new analysis suggests that the GOP’s unwavering support for Trump could be profoundly harmful to our democracy.

When asked what prompted her to undertake this detailed analysis, Monroe shared her journey and the contributions of her students in the research process. Monroe’s personal background in studying moral courage and ethical leadership intersected perfectly with the political realities of the Trump era, pushing her and her students to explore why only a handful of Republicans stood against Trump.

Republican Leaders' Shift in Loyalty

Numerous leading Republicans who once criticized Trump, like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), have now become his staunch supporters. Monroe suggests that their behavior might stem from political opportunism, fear of losing Trump’s base, or even potential blackmail, as observed by figures like Scaramucci. It's all about the GOP's Trump loyalty dilemma.

The case of Mitch McConnell stands out as especially puzzling to Monroe. Initially, McConnell claimed that Trump’s role in the January 6th insurrection was impeachable, but later ensured that the Senate did not convict Trump. Monroe finds McConnell’s actions baffling, considering Trump’s antagonistic behavior towards McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao, who was Trump's Labor Secretary.

A significant point discussed was whether GOP leaders have core values. Monroe believes that those who opposed Trump, like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, acted from a place of conscience and moral courage, driven by their commitment to the oath of office and democratic principles.

Trump's Appeal to MAGA Followers

Trump’s appeal to MAGA followers, including deeply religious Christians, is another perplexing phenomenon. Monroe suggests that Trump tapped into a populist, authoritarian appeal that resonated with people who felt overlooked and aggrieved by the system. His ability to create a narrative of being their savior has solidified their support, despite his personal indiscretions and lack of genuine policy proposals.

Monroe extends this discussion to explain how Trump’s constant state of chaos and crisis has nurtured a dependency among his followers. This behavior is consistent with populist and authoritarian leaders throughout history, who create and exploit crises to maintain power and control.

The Transformation of the Republican Party

Monroe points out that Trump has fundamentally changed the Republican Party as traditional conservative values have been sidelined in favor of loyalty to Trump. Monroe contends that many Republicans have been driven by their core beliefs in democracy and human decency to oppose Trump, but these voices are increasingly marginalized.

Kamala Harris and Women's Rights

The conversation also touched on Vice President Kamala Harris’s potential as a unifying and galvanizing figure for critical communities, especially women and young people. Monroe believes Harris's strengths lie in her ability to appeal to diverse groups, crucial for building a broad coalition.

The Importance of Voting

The overarching message of the interview was the importance of voting in preserving democracy. Monroe emphasizes that the November election is critical, asserting that the very foundations of American civic culture and democracy are at stake. She urges every citizen to participate in the electoral process to ensure that democratic ideals prevail.

A Call to Action

Kristen Monroe's analysis and insights are a call to action for all concerned about the future of American democracy. Her body of work, including When Conscious Calls and her latest book, underscores the importance of moral courage and ethical leadership in times of political turbulence. As the November election approaches, Monroe’s plea for civic engagement and informed voting is more crucial than ever.

Additionally, for more in-depth discussions on Project 2025 and its implications, please check out our special series of articles explaining the significance of key components of this GOP manifesto.

Special Thanks

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Professor Kristen Monroe for sharing her expertise and joining us on the Lean to the Left podcast. Her critical insights contribute significantly to the ongoing dialogue about the future of American democracy.

For those interested in exploring Monroe's work further, her books are available on Amazon. You can order the book directly, here.

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3 comentários

Mark M. Bello
Mark M. Bello
04 de ago.

Kelley: You know that I love and respect you. There is much to respect about conservative values. But how can youi supprt a candidate who is NOT conservative and has no values? How can a Christian support a foul-mouthed, narcissit, racist bigot who could care less about Chitstianity? How can a Christian support Project 2025? Are those the policies you support and wish to discuss? How can a Christian woman support someone who constantly disrespects and verbally and physically abuses women? How can a Christian woman support a man who commits adultery with a porn star while his wife is pregnant? Why would any Chirstian support a man who has defrauded people on multiple occasions? Why do America's religious Je…


Kelley Keller
Kelley Keller
03 de ago.

I've only read the article, but haven't listened to the podcast. Is the guest interested in talking to a Christian Trump supporter to learn why we continue our support for his campaign? And, is she interested in talking to a conservative white woman who refuses to #AnswertheCall and throw my vote away under coervion to share my privilege? She might be surprised to learn why we vote the way we do. Happy to have a civil productive conversation on policy.

Bob Gatty
Bob Gatty
03 de ago.
Respondendo a

I will ask her to check your comment. We shall see.

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