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Want to Change a Law?

Ever think, "wow, that law needs changed!"? Most likely, and then the next thought, no doubt, was, "Well, that would be impossible. I wouldn't know where to begin. Not a chance."


Best selling author John Thibault gets that, and he's written a book and developed a website to help the everyday person who would like to make change or have a greater influence on the process.

He's our guest on the latest episode of our NFN Radio News podcast, which can be heard here.

The book is called "How to Change a Law--a Do it Yourself Guide for the Average Person," and it provides a seven-step guide for successfully making significant change and taking action, Thibault says, in just 60 minutes. His book includes:

  • Common mistakes to avoid.

  • Successfully getting past internal and external roadblocks.

  • Real life policy success stories where someone saw a problem and wanted to implement a solution to make a change.

  • Demystify politics.

  • How to vote on issues, not for candidates.

  • How to use the Political Persuasion Platform™ and the iLobby solution to change laws through crowd funded lobbying.

In effect, with his iLobby website, Thibault has provided an "app" so you can actually change a law.

"Each day we are facing more and more issues within our cities, states, and the federal government," he says. "This could be from old, outdated, or inadequate laws. Most were created in the past to fix issues that were for those times. The thing is, times change and we all are in this together to keep laws up to date."

Sometimes, Thibault says, You need to solve issues yourself." The iLobby platform provides the tools to get started in that process.

"It doesn't have to be complicated and you don't need to be a political science major to get started," he stresses. "You can find a way to move forward to begin to improve your community, influence the country, and impact the world."

During our conversation, Thibault explains how individuals who want to advance an idea for a new law or change one that's on the books can proceed simply by following the steps provided by iLobby -- even to the point of raising money for the campaign.

If you're a concerned citizen who would like to see things improved, or you're simply interested in the political process, take a listen to our conversation at NFN Radio News.

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