Was the Trump 'Shooting' an Inside Job?
Lean to the Left provides liberal political commentary about important developments involving Republicans and Democrats in power, and supports efforts to resist those who would subvert democracy and impede freedom of the press. We also present the Lean to the Left podcast and videos, with newsmaker interviews and progressive commentary.
Trump Immigration Crackdown Means Higher Food Prices
Trump & PT Barnum: Sucking in the Suckers
His Royal Highness
Tuning Out the Spin
Joe Biden: The Dilemma for Democrats
The Right Wing Plot to Rig the U.S. Constitution
Creationism in the World of Trump
The Gratuitous Fear of Socialism in America
Drive to End Electoral College Gains Steam
Lies, Damn Lies & the Rumor Mill
Are Democratic Socialists the Tea Party of the Left?
Democrats: Learn from the Tea Party
So God Placed Trump in the Presidency?
Feeling Sorry for Roger Stone
The Red MAGA Hat
Why Trump & the NRA Are a Perfect Match
Homeless Vets and Trump's Lies
Obama's Named America's Most Admired: Gallup Poll
For Trump Businesses, it's Happy Holidays
Lean to the Left provides liberal political commentary about important developments involving Republicans and Democrats in power, and supports efforts to resist those who would subvert democracy and impede freedom of the press. We also present the Lean to the Left podcast and videos, with newsmaker interviews and progressive commentary.