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Delta-NRA: Knee-jerk Stupidity in Georgia

Did you read that the Georgia state legislature killed a $40 million tax break for Delta Airlines, which has its headquarters in Atlanta, because Delta ended its National Rifle Association (NRA) member discounts following the Parkland, FL high school shooting?

Guess how many people had taken advantage of that NRA discount policy. Would you believe 13?

That was a brilliant move by Georgia's Republican controlled legislature. It simply demonstrates stupidity and single-minded fear of the powerful gun industry's largest lobbying organization.

According to USA Today, the Georgia legislature removed a jet-fuel tax break from a larger tax package yesterday. Now, Delta ays it will review all its marketing programs to avoid those that might become political, CEO Ed Bastian announced Friday.

For the 13 passengers who had ever bought tickets with an NRA discount, the legislature's action means that each discount cos the airline about $3 million in tax breaks.

Way to treat a home town business, there Georgia.

Bastian explained that the carrier intends to remain neutral in the debate over guns. In a public memo sent to employees, he said Delta could have been viewed as "implicitly endorsing the NRA" if it hadn't ended the travel benefits for NRA members.

"Our people and our customers have a wide range of views on how to increase safety in our schools and public places, and we are not taking sides," he wrote. "Our objective in removing any implied affiliation with the NRA was to remove Delta from this debate."

Here's what Fast Company had to say about this:

"Congratulations are certainly in order. First, to the 13 NRA-afiliated airline passengers, whose discounts were apparently worth over $3 million each. And, of course, congratulations to the Georgia lawmakers who were vindictive enough to cause sweeping reform over something that barely affected more than a dozen people.

"And condolences to the rest of us."

I say, condolences to the people of Georgia who have to be governed by such idiots.

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