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Vladimir Putin Speaks to the American People -- Part 1

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the American people.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is reaching out, directly, to the American people -- especially those who voted for President Trump and who continue to support him -- expressing his appreciation for all Trump is doing to benefit Russia and Putin, himself.

Putin's messages come to America via Frank Elfland, of Myrtle Beach, SC, a retired television advertising executive, who has passed them along to Not Fake News asking that we disseminate them as widely as possible.

Elfland has scripted Putin's comments, which he translated from Russian, for use in possible television commercials. We will pass these along to our readers in two parts, beginning today. Here, are Putin's own words to you, the American people:

1. Hello Americans! I speak to you on behalf of the Russian people and the 64 billionaires who live in Moscow. We wish to thank the Pro Russian Republican Party (PRRP) and its supporters for doing what we Russians could never have done ourselves. The PRRP has destroyed the integrity of your Justice Department, your FBI, and your intelligence community. No outsider could have done as effective a job. Destruction from within is my plan. I am Vladimir Putin and I approve this message.

2. Hello Americans! Vlady again with a big shout out to Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham for their continued support by denigrating Robert Mueller. These three believe that bias affirmation and big money beat democracy every time. Keep riling the masses with hate and You Three will be honorary Russians. I am Vladimir Putin and I approve this message.

3. Das Vidanya Americans. Vlady again. Special thanks to Devin Nunes for all his help in limiting the House Intelligence Committee investigation into our meddling in your election. we could not have done more to keep the truth under wraps if our guys had been in charge. We will make him an honorary Russian. I am Vladimir Putin and I approve this message.

4. Hello Americans! Vlady again. Many people have wondered what your president talked about with our ambassador when he sent the U.S. press out of the Oval Office and kept our reporters in. The same questions came up about our meeting in Helsinki when he took the notes from your interpreter. I will tell you. We talked about creating mistrust! I am Vladimir Putin and I approve this message.

5. Hello Americans! Vlady again. We wish to thank all of the members of the PRRP and Fox television propagandists for keeping your focus on your real enemies south of the border. I love that an Australian, with no dog in the fight except money, is helping to dismantle your system. We may make Rupert Murdock an honorary Russian, too! I am Vladimir Putin and I approve this message.

6. Hello Americans! Vlady again. Thanks are due to Mitch McConnell for his efforts to keep legislation that might embarrass your president from ever being voted on. That means that out of 100 senators, he is the only vote that counted. What a guy! He will be an honorary Russian. I am Vladimir Putin and I approve this message.

7. Hello Americans! Vlady here. I am addressing you from the world's most free society. RUSSIA! We are free from fake press and liberal media, free from free speech, free from all those rights that annoy you when others demand them. The reason I said I wanted Donald Trump to be your president is because he also believes those freedoms are unnecessary except for the rich and powerful. All those other people just muddy up the water. The PRRP is beginning to accept this. I am Vladimir Putin and I approve this message.

Stay tuned to Not Fake News. Part 2 coming soon!

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