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Cool Talk, Cooler Music with Scott Ramminger

Check out today's interview with blues & roots singer, songwriter Scott Ramminger, a guy who's traded in his business power suit for a sax and guitar and is now happily playing the Nashville music scene, despite the challenges of Covid 19.

In this episode, which includes two of Scott's favorite songs -- one of which will be on an upcoming album, Scott talks about his journey from big-time Washington, DC trade association executive to full-time writer and musician, the challenges affecting performers during Covid, and what it's like to play outside on a porch at a little Nashville club, in the winter, with trains and trailer trucks going by.

If you're interested in music, especially jazz and blues, and if you're one of Scott's millions of fans and friends, you don't want to miss this episode. It's spiced with Scott's humor and even a bit of philosophy about life.

Also, just a bit of news. Scott and are planning to do a regular gig, probably weekly, on my podcast, NFN Radio News. We'll talk about everything from music to politics and everything in between, and we'll have some cool guests. We go back a long ways, and there are some entertaining stories to share.

We haven't decided on a name for our show, and so if you've got any thoughts, just use the comment spot at the end of this blog or email me at

I can tell you that Scott can be Mr. Grumpy and can sometimes be a "glass half empty" kind of guy. I like to be Mr. Positive, trying to look at the bright side. We're both geezers, too, although I'm more of a geezer than Scott, so we look at the world with a view that comes from having hung around for a long time. So maybe there's something in all of that for a name for our program.

At any rate, I'm hoping we can make this happen, and your ideas on a name would be welcome. If a name suggested by a Not Fake News reader is selected, the winner will receive a free set of our book, Hijacked Nation.

Meanwhile, for an entertaining break from politics and the challenges that we all face today with the pandemic, take a listen to this episode of NFN Radio News.

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