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Dictatorships Don't Sell to Real Americans

Updated: Feb 7

Trump & Putin
Is this what you want for America? VOTE!

Remember when the Republicans were called the Conservative Party? Their platform was for smaller government with a focus on individual rights and responsibility.

Democrats might not have agreed with everything the GOP wanted, but both sides conducted themselves without hostility and aggression. Political debates were interesting and informative.

Suffice it to say that Republicans have abdicated their conservative cloak with the onset of Trump. Given recent events, Democrats can change, too, from liberal to American.  Or, let’s just name the two platforms based on what they represent; Dictatorship vs. Democracy.

The following statements made by Trump at various events throughout his campaign have been fact-checked by Politifact. The following is a partial list contained within 27 total that are verified. While all are outrageous, the following are some of the most egregious:

Surely everyone in America should be appalled at what’s in store for us if Trump wins the election, yet when questioned by reporters outside of one of Trump’s campaign rallies in New Hampshire last week,voters said they're not concerned Trump would truly lead as a dictator.

Those who are not concerned about the mere possibility of America becoming a dictatorship might need to look up a surviving family member of one of the 407,000 military deaths or 12,000 civilian deaths that occurred during WWII in taking down Hitler and Mussolini. If Trump wins the election, then we need to take our American flag down at the White House.

Dictatorships don't sell to real Americans! So, do your homework and vote! Our democracy is at stake.

Biden is the only one who can beat Trump. He is not afraid of him and he works for our interests, not his own.



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