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Kid Curry: Radio Jock Overcomes MS

On this episode of the Lean to the Left podcast, we present a story of absolute determination; the story of a rock jock who had the world by the tail -- until he didn't -- and then what he did to live life at its fullest despite having been dealt a bad hand regarding his health.

Kim Curry was a radio broadcaster for 33 years in some of America’s finest cities, a DJ in different time slots, and the Program Director of two of America’s legendary stations; KTSA-AM San Antonio and Power 96, Miami.

Curry was a broadcaster in the days when ownership was limited to seven AM and seven FM radio stations, before radio's corporate takeover.

Creative freedom and owner trust led to huge ratings as a DJ, consistently scoring the highest ratings in his timeslot. As Program Director, “Kid” Curry led Power 96 to ratings never before seen in the station’s history and achieved the most significant cumulative audience in the Southeast United States.

In 2005, Kim Curry was forced into retirement from the radio business after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Now, he’s the author of the book, "Come Get Me Mother, I'm Through!"

You can follow the story of Curry’s career and battle with a chronic disease at

10 Questions for Kim

1) Mark: Kim Curry. Welcome. Yesterday, Bob & I spoke to Kim Hamer, a woman who shared the experience of losing her husband to cancer at a young age. I asked her about the day she found out about the diagnosis. While you are very much alive, thank goodness, MS is a nasty disease. It scares the hell out of people. What was diagnosis day like for you?

2) Bob: Was it a bolt out of the blue? Had you had symptoms? Any signs of a physical problem?

3) Mark: Your father got you started in radio, is that right? It was kind of like your destiny. Explain both experiences: your path getting into and then having to leave your chosen career.

4) Bob: Did your illness effect your marriage? How did your wife handle this phase of your life?

5) Mark: Many people wonder about the symptoms of, and restrictions caused by MS. While I understand it is different for different people, you’ve been battling this disease for years. Talk about your medical issues, and what the physical and mental impact MS has had on you.

6) Bob: What floats your boat these days? How do you keep busy? Any particular interests or hobbies these days? And how has MS dictated these hobbies or interests? Did it cause you to change who you were?

7) Mark: Where did you get the idea for your novel? Did you always know you could write a book or did it surprise you?

8) Bob: What’s next for Kim Curry?

9) Mark: I asked Kim Hamer this question yesterday and I wonder what your take is on it: There are many forms of justice and injustice. It strikes me that disease is so random. Many people float through life never experiencing serious illness. Some get ill later in life. A random few contract a serious, debilitating, even deadly disease to early in life. Have you ever wondered “Why me?”

10) Bob: Bello wrote the script for this show and he wants me to ask if you think the Denver Broncos will make the playoffs this year? And, get this, he also wants me to ask if you think the Detroit Lions will ever make the playoffs? My answer to his second question is “Who cares?”

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Lean to the Left. Bob Gatty . 2719 Scarecrow Way, Myrtle Beach, SC . 301-908-1918.

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