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New Podcast Launched: NFN Radio News

Not Fake News has just launched a new podcast, NFN Radio News, providing an audio version of our best blogs for those who like to consume information while on-the-go.

While, Not Fake News continues to expand with readers from across the U.S. and around the world, we want to make our offerings even more accessible by taking advantage of the podcast format.

To start, we've posted an introductory episode plus five additional episodes, providing a flavor of what you can expect. My hope is that as often as possible our contributing writers can also provide narration of their blogs for the podcast. If not, I will do it.

You can find our podcasts simply by clicking on the Podcast tab at the top of the home page. Once approved, they will also be available through Apple's I-Tunes and Google Play, as well as other popular platforms. We are using Podbean to host NFN Radio News.

We’ll also offer the soundtrack from the un-famous but very funny Bob & Jackie Show, available on the Not Fake News You Tube Channel. Any time you need a laugh, that’s a good place to go.

I'm especially grateful to my pal, Scott Ramminger, a world class jazz and blues musician and song writer for the original music score that he created for NFN Radio News. Scott, who lives and plays (music) in Nashville, is one cool dude.

In a nutshell, the NFN Radio News podcast will provide the best of our blogs to you in an audio format, so you can listen anywhere, even on the treadmill!

I hope you enjoy NFN Radio News and will become a regular listener and subscriber.

Check it out!

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