The splendor of nature is spectacularly illustrated in this week's #picoftheweek image, Sunset over Lake Erie, captured by Not Fake News member Kit Dietz of Huron, OH.
You, too, can have your pics featured on Sunday in Not Fake News. Think of the notoriety you would have. Just email them to and indicate they're for Pic of the Week.
To qualify, photos must be shot by the individual submitting them and free of any copyright restrictions. There is no financial compensation involved.
Photos in these categories can qualify:
Natural environment (seascapes, sunsets, flowers, etc.)
Public events (concerts, demonstrations, political speakers, etc.)
News events
Buildings, architecture, cityscapes
Animals, Pets
Additional categories upon request, subject to approval.
Photos must be the original work of the person submitting them.
Photos must have been shot within the last six months.
Submission must include a brief caption (subject to editing) and the date of the photo.
Photos will be selected for inclusion based on their quality and appropriateness for NFN.
Submission of the photo implies consent for publication in the Not Fake News online blog and distribution via our social media platforms.
No sexually explicit images. (Had to add -- had a query about "nudes.")
I hope you enjoy this feature and that you will actively participate! Thanks!