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To Uncommitted Voters: Careful What You Wish For

Biden and Trump duke it out.
Do you really want four more years of hate-mongering Donald J. Trump in the White House?

I’m not sure that there was as much interest in the rest of the country, but Michigan held a primary earlier this week, and as a lifelong resident of Michigan, I was extremely interested.


As expected, Joe Biden won the Democratic Primary, receiving 81% of the vote, and Donald Trump won the Republican Primary with 68%. However, these numbers and margins of victory do not tell the whole story. In fact, they present ominous warnings for both candidates, particularly President Biden.

Let’s take a closer look.


On the Republican side, while Trump received over 700,000 votes, roughly half that number voted for Nicki Haley or “uncommitted.” On the Democratic side, the president received over 600,000 votes, but approximately 145,000 voters voted for other candidates or “uncommitted.” The “uncommitted” vote exceeded 101,000 voters.

Why? Because Arab and Muslim voters, typically Democratic, primarily in Wayne County, are angry over what they call President Biden’s “unwavering support” of Israel in the Israel-Hamas conflict.


This was only a primary and the president won in a landslide. However, the Arab protest vote, coupled with small but steady losses in Michigan’s Black communities, spell trouble for the incumbent.

At the same time, there were over twice as many “protest” votes on the Republican side, as 32% of the Republican vote went to someone other than Trump. His big worry: That in a one-on-one contest with Biden, more than half of these votes go to Joe.

As a Democratic voter who is repulsed by the notion of another four years of Trump, I am concerned. Minority voters have historically voted Democratic and must do so in 2024 for President Biden to win reelection. While I understand and sympathize with my Arab and Muslim friends, I hope they realize that it is one thing to send a message in a primary—it is quite another to assist in electing a narcissist, Islamophobic, nationalist to become president once again.

Here are some important truths for those who registered “protest votes” in the Michigan primary:


  1. Since 1948, American presidents, Republican and Democrat, have always supported Israel, the only true Democracy in the region. President Biden is not president of Israel. He cannot dictate policy—he can only engage in diplomacy, and his brand of diplomacy is far more favorable to the plight of Palestinians than Trump, his likely opponent. Biden has not given Israel a free pass, even though the war was started when Hamas slaughtered over 1200 innocent Israeli citizens. Check the record. He has participated in multiple negotiations for an end to the hostilities and a return of hostages still held by Hamas.  

  2. Joe Biden’s policy positions on issues such as immigration, healthcare, and civil rights align more closely with the priorities of American Muslims. He has expressed support for comprehensive immigration reform, anti-Muslim hate crimes, and access to healthcare. He’s also emphasized the importance of unity and inclusivity, reaching out to, and engaging with Muslim communities throughout his political career. Under Biden, Muslim leaders and organizations have enjoyed a seat at the table. By contrast, those with long memories might recall Trump’s proposed Muslim immigration ban, his executive order travel bans from Muslim countries, and his hostile and divisive rhetoric toward the Muslim community. Trump has historically supported the policies of Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, a right-wing hawk on the war.  

  3. President Biden supports criminal justice reform and policies to end religious and racial discrimination, issues that minority citizens are concerned about.  

  4. One issue voting is dangerous. Carefully consider the candidates’ positions, records, and values to make an informed choice that aligns with core beliefs and priorities.  

To my “uncommitted” fellow Michiganders: The Democratic Party heard you. As members of a civilized society, we should always be concerned when our leaders, regardless of provocation, wage war. We should actively engage in diplomacy, as Joe Biden has, to end foreign conflicts.

However, be careful what you wish for. Donald Trump has not been a friend to the Arab or Muslim community, except when, for business purposes, a relationship might result in personal profit. His rhetoric and politics have led to discrimination and marginalization.


If you continue your present path, you may wake up on the 1st Wednesday in November to find that you contributed to the re-election of a bigoted, potty-mouthed, criminal, fraudulent, Islamophobic, narcissistic, white nationalist bully, and self-proclaimed dictator as president of the United States.

bello's books

Please check out Mark Bello’s ripped-from-the-headlines legal thrillers, all available online at Amazon and other major online booksellers. He has quite the hero in Attorney Zachary Blake, who fights for justice on all fronts. His books are Betrayal of Faith, Betrayal of Justice, Betrayal in Blue, Betrayal in Black, Betrayal High, Supreme Betrayal, Betrayal at the Border, You Have the Right to Remain Silent, The Final Steps – A Harbor Springs Cozy Legal Mystery, and his latest, The Anti-Semite Next Door. Also, he’s written a wonderful children’s book about bullying, “Happy Jack, Sad Jack,” and he's just announced the pre-order release of "Love Hate Law," a new legal romance novel. For more info, just check





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