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Race, Corruption & the Courts

Clinton Galloway
Clinton E. Galloway on the Lean to the Left podcast.

On this episode of the Len to the Left podcast, California businessman and entrepreneur Clinton E. Galloway reveals how Black on Black racism and political corruption have long-term harmful consequences within communities.

When cable television was first launched, Galloway and his brother sought a franchise to serve minorities in Los Angeles, but he says they were blocked by demands for bribes. An eventual victory in the U.S. Supreme Court was to no avail.

Galloway also discusses the importance of improving our schools, especially those in minority communities, where he says young people who are constantly exposed to violence experience a form of PTSD that ultimately affects their success in school and, often, in life.

Galloway is a CPA with a practice in Marina del Rey, California and a securities dealer. He’s the author of his second book, “What Did you Think was Going to Happen?” which deals with the refusal by the City of Los Angeles to comply with a U.S. Supreme Court ruling against the city.

The ruling identified LA’s attempts to limit new technology -- cable TV -- in the poorest areas of the city as a civil rights violation and explored complicity of major Black politicians in the process.

Here are some questions that we posed to Galloway:

  1. This is your second book, the first one, “Anatomy of a Hustle: Cable Comes to South Central Los Angeles,” talks about how you and your brother set out to establish the first black-owned cable TV franchise in the nation. Can you give us the short version of what happened and how that relates to what we’re talking about today?

  2. That case involved the Supreme Court case of City of Los Angeles vs Preferred Communications, right?

  3. On your website, you say that story illustrates the corruption of government and how our poorest citizens bear the brunt of that burden. Please explain.

  4. You told us that your experience in dealing with government and federal courts is an example of how many people do not understand how our system of government can be abused and the abuse hidden. Please explain.

  5. So, you’re telling us that Black on Black racism exists and is prevalent in our society today?

  6. As a Black entrepreneur do you continue to experience systemic racism and, in fact, Black on Black racism, in your work and your daily life?

  7. Why do you believe this exists?

  8. What are your thoughts about the current popular effort by politicians on the right to limit the teaching of America’s racial history in our schools?

  9. What is your advice to young minority entrepreneurs who wish to get ahead in this country?

  10. Any thoughts about the importance of Black involvement in the electoral and political process?

Listen to the interview:

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Lean to the Left. Bob Gatty . 2719 Scarecrow Way, Myrtle Beach, SC . 301-908-1918.

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