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NFN's' Hush Hush Assignment in Paris

Correspondent David Hinshaw in Paris on assignment.

Video correspondent David Hinshaw is returning to the U.S. this weekend after spending more than a week in Paris on a hush hush assignment that so far has produced nothing for Not Fake News (NFN), but has great potential.

Hinshaw, an award winning freelance videographer, apparently has encountered des difficultés because all he's shared with us so far is the image above.

In a text message earlier this week in which he sent the pic, Hinshaw said, "Having a great time. Too bad you're not here."

Que? Ou est l'article et la vidéo, David?

I know we said we would do this on the QT, but this is ridiculous! OK, I'll spill it. We were following up on une autre femme with whom Trump was supposed to have had l'affaire de coeur.

So, David, did you find la femme? Did she talk? Do you have video?

I hope when you get over your jet lag next week that you'll share whatever you found as promised and for which I've paid thousands of dollars. I'm really worried that we'll get scooped on this.

Photos from Hinshaw's dinner at Epicure.

Besides, your first class airfare was a killer. Your fancy dinners of chateaubriand, escargot, and steak tartar have been outrageously expensive. You could have found something just a little less expensive than Epicure on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.

And then, there was the wine. Was it nécessaire to have Bourdeaux at $350 per bottle. Two bottles per dinner times seven racked up quite a bill -- just for wine. It's a wonder you could walk!

But then, I guess you could have picked the wine above, listed as the most expensive wine in the world.

So, I hope what you produce for us will be worth it, mon ami. Otherwise, I'll have to deduct those expenses from your pay when you get back.

Not Fake News was anxious to send Hinshaw on this Paris assignment for another reason besides tracking down that hush hush Trump story. We wanted to satisfy our many international readers who deserve our attention.

Our priorities are a little screwy, however, because so far we've only been visited once over the past year from France, compared to India, at 58, Ireland at 34 and Germany 21.

Thanks to the magic of Google, our readership also has expanded to Canada, Denmark, Poland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, China, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Greece and others.

So Hinshaw, if what you produce from your Paris trip is worth it, you can start packing your bags to represent us in some of those other countries. I'm sure we'll find l'autre copines de Trump to check out.

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